We offer a broad range of support, help and advice for children and young people from birth to 25 years, and their families. It may be learning, behaviour, relationships or psychological well-being that families recognise that a child or young person is having difficulty with at home or in school. They may feel they need extra support, advice and guidance, in a timely way. We treat parents as the experts regarding their child or teenager. We listen and respond to parent, child and young people’s views.
Families are offered:
Many children and young people can experience problems academically, socially, behaviourally or emotionally. We provide empathic advice based on research, supported by practical experience, providing a professional and friendly service. Requests for involvement can be made directly by parents.
“Understanding our son more helps us so much and we can get him more support too. Everyone who has used your report has found it really beneficial.”
“We found your advice to be positive, constructive and not critical of either child or parent (which is appreciated, when as a parent you feel problems are your fault!).”
To get in touch, click here