The Internet, Social Media and Screen Time: The Facts
Confused about the mixed messages regarding internet use, social media and screen time for children and young people? This course provides the latest research evidence to enable you to support and advise others with confidence.
In House Open Bespoke Twilight
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The Neuropsychology of Learning, Working Memory and Attention Control
Read moreExplore the brain processes involved in attention control, working memory and learning and learn how to harness these processes in planning, teaching and learning.
The Neuropsychology of Trauma: New Perspectives and Approaches to the Effects of Abuse and Neglect
Read moreFind out about the effects of trauma and neglect on children and young people’s brains and explore approaches to help forge new neural pathways in order for these students to regulate their emotions and attention and engage better with learning.
Turning Behaviour Upside Down
Read moreA unique approach to understanding the psychological and neuropsychological functions of behaviour to transform your own practice and systemic approach.
Understanding and Supporting Children and Young People with Anxiety and Depression
Exploring the neuropsychology of anxiety and depression to develop strategies to improve support for children and young people.
In House Open Bespoke Twilight
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Using Child-led Play to Enhance Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Read moreExplore the power of play and learn how a child-led play approach will empower children and enhance their social and emotional wellbeing.
Using Therapeutic Stories to Help Children Understand their Social and Emotional Worlds
Explore how using Therapeutic Stories in a one-to-one or small group helps children to understand their social and emotional worlds and to process their upset and distress.
In House Open Bespoke Twilight
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Using Verbal and Non-Verbal Approaches to Influence Behaviour
Read moreLearn how your body language and spoken language affects and influences the behaviour of all the children and young people you work with and how to hone this to develop your relational practice.